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LVFRG EMAIL - A huge thanks and please fill out survey

Dear Supporters, We want to convey a HUGE thank you to the nearly 300 households in the Valley who participated in Sunday’s evacuation practice. This number greatly exceeded similar practices held in other Marin neighborhoods and speaks to the strength of our community ties and shared commitment to help protect our Valley and neighbors. Kudos to the Lucas Valley community!

We were not surprised that the practice pointed to a number of concerning issues that will arise in an evacuation for a real wildfire without future intervention. It was sobering that what is normally a six to seven minute drive took many people as long as 55 minutes on Sunday - with only 22% of the total households participating. We at LVFRG will be analyzing the findings, including car counts, participant surveys, and other related data in the coming week. We will issue a detailed report with recommendations for improvements that will go not only to all of you, but also to Supervisor Sackett, the Marin Office of Emergency Management, and the Marin County Fire Department. To make this report as thorough as possible, we are asking for your help once again. IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN THE PRACTICE, BUT HAVE NOT YET FILLED OUT THE SURVEY, PLEASE DO SO AT THIS LINK. Thank you again for your participation! The findings from this practice will help make our community safer and stronger. The LFRG Leadership Team - Kelby, Gervais, Meehyun, Ginny, Susan, Kristen, Marge and Janet

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