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4/7 Newsletter - Time-sensitive request for all LV residents: Make your voice heard BEFORE key vote!

Dear Lucas Valley neighbors, On 3/18, we sent you an email which outlined very concerning development code changes that have been proposed by Marin’s Community Development Agency (CDA) and which will be voted on by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 16. If approved by the Board of Supervisors, these changes could potentially increase housing development in Lucas Valley and other parts of Marin tenfold. Given the many problems experienced in our recent Wildfire Evacuation Practice, we are very concerned from a safety standpoint about such a dramatic increase in units. It is important that as many residents as possible communicate their views on the proposed development code changes to our District 1 Supervisor, Mary Sackett, and/or to the entire Board, in advance of the vote, or at the meeting. While individually written communications are most impactful, we are sharing this template to make it easier for more of us to express our views. You can copy and paste it into an email, or use it as a script to make a phone call. Adding your own sentence about your perspective and ideas makes your communication more personal. The contact information is:Call or email District 1 Supervisor, Mary Sackett to express your views on this issue.

Contact all members of the Marin Board Board of Supervisors

  • Email the Board

    • Click this link which takes you to a webpage, then click on the link there, Email the Board.

  • Call the Board at 415-473-7331 

Deadline for written comments to BOS is 4/15/24 3:30 PM for the 4/16/2024 meeting.  The agenda is not posted as of this writing, however, the proposed Development Code amendments can be found in the 2/5/2024 Planning Commission agenda 

Excerpt from March 18 LVFRG E-newsletter: Upcoming Marin Supervisor Vote in mid-April: Marin’s Community Development Agency (CDA) is recommending changes to our development code, citing recent housing legislation and the need for consistency with the Countywide Plan. Marin’s Planning Commission voted 6 to 1 against recommending adoption of the current Housing Element (an element of the Countywide Plan) which the Board of Supervisors subsequently approved in January of 2023. The new CDA recommendations include a new set of “objective” design standards intended to replace the process of public input to project design review. CDA’s current recommendations include the removal of a key provision limiting the maximum density (the number of housing units per acre) allowed for development in specified areas to the low end of the density range established by the Countywide Plan. This provision applies to areas with sensitive habitat or within the Ridge and Upland Greenbelt or the Baylands Corridor, and properties lacking public water or sewer systems (exceptions may be considered for housing affordable to lower-income households). Limiting development in these areas, including the Ridge and Upland Greenbelt areas surrounding Lucas Valley, has until now preserved the unique character of Marin. This change would have little impact on the availability of affordable workforce and senior housing. Yet it could dramatically, and irrevocably alter the character of our community.  

The leadership team at Lucas Valley for Responsible Growth is deeply concerned about this proposal which could increase the development potential of many properties as much as tenfold. This article in the Marin IJ provides more details. 

As demonstrated in our recent fire evacuation drill, our community is not prepared nor is adequate infrastructure in place for the densities previously approved in the Housing Element. Further increasing density, potentially tenfold, could create a dangerous environment for all residents of Lucas Valley. Another CDA recommendation would increase the housing height restriction from 30 ft. to 45 ft. throughout the county, with no evidence that a three-story limit has stifled needed housing development. All of these Development Code amendments will be on the Board of Supervisors agenda in mid-April.  Please educate yourselves and voice your views on these issues.Our hope is that the Supervisors will do their best to protect Marin communities from inappropriate and dangerous development.

The LVFRG Leadership Team - Kristen Brooks, Kelby Jones, Meehyun Kurtzman, Susan Morgan, Ginny Pheatt and Gervais Tompkin

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