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Development Proposals


1501 Lucas Valley Road


This 61.3 acre parcel 164-280-35 is zoned Agriculture 1 with a housing density of 1 dwelling unit per 31 to 60 acres. Marin's 2023/2031 Housing Element rezoned this parcel as Residential Multiple Planned (full range of residential development types) at 15 units per acre limited to 1.7 acres for a maximum of 26 housing units, subject to a new Housing Overlay District and Form Based Code. The developer (as of 3-18-2024) proposes 36 single family homes on 7.46 acres. These would include 31 market rate and 5 affordable homes (3 very low income and 2 low income), with 15 homes to include an optional Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit (JADU).




Note: In April 2024, the Community Development Agency (CDA) moved documentation for this project from "Lucas Valley" (since deleted) to a new "San Rafael - Lucas Valley" project area. No notice of this change was given to the public. If you were subscribed to the earlier project, you will need to subscribe to the new area to receive updates.

CDA deleted documentation of these initial proposals from the website:

•35 single family homes and 9 JADUs (Nov. 2023)

•33 detached single family homes and 6 junior accessory dwelling units (May 2023)

•100 detached single family homes and 25 JADUs under builder's remedy law (May 2023)


7 Mount Lassen Drive


This 2.35 acre parcel 164-481-10 is zoned Planned Commercial (low intensity commercial retail, office and residential uses). Marin's 2023/2031 Housing Element rezoned this parcel as Residential/Commercial Multiple Planned (primarily residential, commercial allowed) at 25 units per acre for a maximum of 58 units, subject to the new Housing Overlay District and Form Based Code. The developer (as of 4-16-2024) proposes to demolish the 4 existing office buildings and replace them with 29 single family homes. These would include 23 market rate and 6 affordable homes (1 low income, 3 below moderate and 2 above moderate income). All homes would be 3 stories (42 ft. maximum height above grade), and include an attached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU), attached garage, and a roof deck. The site would include an additional 74 parking spaces.













          7 Mount Lassen Exterior Elevations juxtaposed with a gallery model Eichler in LVHOA.

Image 5-2-24 at 12.41 PM.jpeg
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